deepsphere.layers.samplings package


deepsphere.layers.samplings.equiangular_pool_unpool module

EquiAngular Sampling’s Pooling and Unpooling. The pooling goes down two bandwidths at a time. This represents (in the term of classic pooling kernel sizes) a division (pooling) or multiplication (unpooling) of the number of pixels by 4. The kernel size for all modules is henced fixed.

Equiangular sampling theory from: FFTs for the 2-Sphere:Improvements and Variations by Healy (doi=

Bandwidth : int or list or tuple. Hence we have a symetric or asymetric sampling. It corresponds to the resolution of the sampling scheme. \(pixels = (2*bw)^{2}\) Allowed number of pixels:

  • (bw=1) 4 pixels,

  • (bw=2) 16 pixels,

  • (bw=3) 36 pixels,

  • (bw=4) 64 pixels,

  • (bw=5) 100 pixels.

If latitude bandwidth is different from longitude bandwidth then we have: \(pixels = ((2*bw_{latitude})**2)*((2*bw_{longitude})**2)\)

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.equiangular_pool_unpool.Equiangular(ratio=1, mode='average')[source]

Bases: object

Equiangular class, which groups together the corresponding pooling and unpooling.

property pooling

Getter for the pooling class

property unpooling

Getter for the unpooling class

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.equiangular_pool_unpool.EquiangularAvgPool(ratio)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.AvgPool1d

EquiAngular Average Pooling using Average Pooling 1d from pytorch


calls Avgpool1d


x (torch.tensor) – batch x pixels x features


torch.tensor – batch x pooled pixels x features

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.equiangular_pool_unpool.EquiangularAvgUnpool(ratio)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.Module

EquiAngular Average Unpooling version 1 using the interpolate function when unpooling


calls pytorch’s interpolate function to create the values while unpooling based on the nearby values :param x: batch x pixels x features :type x: torch.tensor


batch x unpooled pixels x features

Return type


class deepsphere.layers.samplings.equiangular_pool_unpool.EquiangularMaxPool(ratio, return_indices=False)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.MaxPool1d

EquiAngular Maxpooling module using MaxPool 1d from torch


calls Maxpool1d and if desired, keeps indices of the pixels pooled to unpool them


input (torch.tensor) – batch x pixels x features


batch x pooled pixels x features and the indices of the pixels pooled

Return type

tuple(torch.tensor, list(int))

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.equiangular_pool_unpool.EquiangularMaxUnpool(ratio)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.MaxUnpool1d

Equiangular Maxunpooling using the MaxUnpool1d of pytorch

forward(x, indices)[source]

calls MaxUnpool1d using the indices returned previously by EquiAngMaxPool

  • x (torch.tensor) – batch x pixels x features

  • indices (int) – indices of pixels equiangular maxpooled previously


batch x unpooled pixels x features

Return type



Reformat the input from a 4D tensor to a 3D tensor


x (torch.tensor) – a 4D tensor


a 3D tensor

Return type


deepsphere.layers.samplings.healpix_pool_unpool module

Healpix Sampling’s Pooling and Unpooling The pooling divides the number of nsides by 2 each time. This represents (in the term of classic pooling kernel sizes) a division (pooling) or multiplication (unpooling) of the number of pixels by 4. The kernel size for all modules is hence fixed.

Sampling theory from: HEALPix — a Framework for High Resolution Discretization, and Fast Analysis of Data Distributed on the Sphere by Gorski (doi: 10.1086/427976)

Figure 1 for relation number of sides and number of pixels and for unpooling using tile. The area of the pixels are the same hence latitude and longitude of the resolution are the same.

The lowest resolution possible with the HEALPix base partitioning of the sphere surface into 12 equal sized pixels See:

\(N_{pixels} = 12 * N_{sides}^2\) Nsides is the number of divisions from the baseline of 12 equal sized pixels

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.healpix_pool_unpool.Healpix(mode='average')[source]

Bases: object

Healpix class, which groups together the corresponding pooling and unpooling.

property pooling

Get pooling

property unpooling

Get unpooling

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.healpix_pool_unpool.HealpixAvgPool[source]

Bases: torch.nn.AvgPool1d

Healpix Average pooling module


forward call the 1d Averagepooling of pytorch


x (torch.tensor) – [batch x pixels x features]


[batch x pooled pixels x features]

Return type


class deepsphere.layers.samplings.healpix_pool_unpool.HealpixAvgUnpool[source]

Bases: torch.nn.Module

Healpix Average Unpooling module


forward repeats (here more like a numpy tile for the moment) the incoming tensor


x (torch.tensor) – [batch x pixels x features]


[batch x unpooled pixels x features]

Return type


class deepsphere.layers.samplings.healpix_pool_unpool.HealpixMaxPool(return_indices=False)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.MaxPool1d

Healpix Maxpooling module


Forward call the 1d Maxpooling of pytorch


x (torch.tensor) – [batch x pixels x features]


[batch x pooled pixels x features] and indices of pooled pixels

Return type

tuple((torch.tensor), indices (int))

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.healpix_pool_unpool.HealpixMaxUnpool[source]

Bases: torch.nn.MaxUnpool1d

Healpix Maxunpooling using the MaxUnpool1d of pytorch

forward(x, indices)[source]

calls MaxUnpool1d using the indices returned previously by HealpixMaxPool

  • tuple (x (torch.tensor) – [batch x pixels x features]

  • indices (int)) – indices of pixels equiangular maxpooled previously


[torch.tensor] – [batch x unpooled pixels x features]

deepsphere.layers.samplings.icosahedron_pool_unpool module

Icosahedron Sampling’s Pooling and Unpooling. Each pooling takes down an order in the icosahedron. Each unpooling adds the number of pixels corresponding to the next order.

Icosahedron is a polyhedron with 12 vertices and, 20 faces, where a regular icosahedron is a Platonic solid. All faces are regular (equilateral) triangles. This default Icosahedron can be considered at level 0, meaning that no further subdivision has occurred from the platonic solid. See: from Max Jiang

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.icosahedron_pool_unpool.Icosahedron[source]

Bases: object

Icosahedron class, which simply groups together the corresponding pooling and unpooling.

property pooling

Get pooling.

property unpooling

Get unpooling.

class deepsphere.layers.samplings.icosahedron_pool_unpool.IcosahedronPool(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.Module

Isocahedron Pooling, consists in keeping only a subset of the original pixels (considering the ordering of an isocahedron sampling method).


Forward function calculates the subset of pixels to keep based on input size and the kernel_size.


x (torch.tensor) – [batch x pixels x features]


[batch x pixels pooled x features]

Return type


class deepsphere.layers.samplings.icosahedron_pool_unpool.IcosahedronUnpool(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.Module

Isocahedron Unpooling, consists in adding 1 values to match the desired un pooling size


Forward calculates the subset of pixels that will result from the unpooling kernel_size and then adds 1 valued pixels to match this size


x (torch.tensor) – [batch x pixels x features]


[batch x pixels unpooled x features]

Return type


Module contents

DeepSphere Base Documentation doc