Source code for deepsphere.utils.samplings

"""Different samplings require various calculations.
The calculations present here are for equiangular, healpix, icosahedron samplings.
import math

[docs]def equiangular_bandwidth(nodes): """Calculate the equiangular bandwidth based on input nodes Args: nodes (int): the number of nodes should be a power of 4 Returns: int: the corresponding bandwidth """ bw = math.sqrt(nodes) / 2 return bw
[docs]def equiangular_dimension_unpack(nodes, ratio): """Calculate the two underlying dimensions from the total number of nodes Args: nodes (int): combined dimensions ratio (float): ratio between the two dimensions Returns: int, int: separated dimensions """ dim1 = int((nodes / ratio) ** 0.5) dim2 = int((nodes * ratio) ** 0.5) return dim1, dim2
[docs]def equiangular_calculator(tensor, ratio): """From a 3D input tensor and a known ratio between the latitude dimension and longitude dimension of the data, reformat the 3D input into a 4D output while also obtaining the bandwidth. Args: tensor (:obj:`torch.tensor`): 3D input tensor ratio (float): the ratio between the latitude and longitude dimension of the data Returns: :obj:`torch.tensor`, int, int: 4D tensor, the bandwidths for lat. and long. """ N, M, F = tensor.size() dim1, dim2 = equiangular_dimension_unpack(M, ratio) bw_dim1 = equiangular_bandwidth(dim1) bw_dim2 = equiangular_bandwidth(dim2) tensor = tensor.view(N, dim1, dim2, F) return tensor, [bw_dim1, bw_dim2]
[docs]def healpix_resolution_calculator(nodes): """Calculate the resolution of a healpix graph for a given number of nodes. Args: nodes (int): number of nodes in healpix sampling Returns: int: resolution for the matching healpix graph """ resolution = int(math.sqrt(nodes / 12)) return resolution
[docs]def icosahedron_order_calculator(nodes): """Calculate the order of a icosahedron graph for a given number of nodes. Args: nodes (int): number of nodes in icosahedron sampling Returns: int: order for the matching icosahedron graph """ order = math.log((nodes - 2) / 10) / math.log(4) return order
[docs]def icosahedron_nodes_calculator(order): """Calculate the number of nodes corresponding to the order of an icosahedron graph Args: order (int): order of an icosahedron graph Returns: int: number of nodes in icosahedron sampling for that order """ nodes = 10 * (4 ** order) + 2 return nodes