Source code for deepsphere.utils.laplacian_funcs

"""Functions related to getting the laplacian and the right number of pixels after pooling/unpooling.

import numpy as np
import torch
from pygsp.graphs.nngraphs.spherehealpix import SphereHealpix
from pygsp.graphs.nngraphs.sphereicosahedron import SphereIcosahedron
from pygsp.graphs.sphereequiangular import SphereEquiangular
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from deepsphere.utils.samplings import (

[docs]def scipy_csr_to_sparse_tensor(csr_mat): """Convert scipy csr to sparse pytorch tensor. Args: csr_mat (csr_matrix): The sparse scipy matrix. Returns: sparse_tensor :obj:`torch.sparse.FloatTensor`: The sparse torch matrix. """ coo = coo_matrix(csr_mat) values = indices = np.vstack((coo.row, coo.col)) idx = torch.LongTensor(indices) vals = torch.FloatTensor(values) shape = coo.shape sparse_tensor = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(idx, vals, torch.Size(shape)) sparse_tensor = sparse_tensor.coalesce() return sparse_tensor
[docs]def prepare_laplacian(laplacian): """Prepare a graph Laplacian to be fed to a graph convolutional layer. """ def estimate_lmax(laplacian, tol=5e-3): """Estimate the largest eigenvalue of an operator. """ lmax = sparse.linalg.eigsh(laplacian, k=1, tol=tol, ncv=min(laplacian.shape[0], 10), return_eigenvectors=False) lmax = lmax[0] lmax *= 1 + 2 * tol # Be robust to errors. return lmax def scale_operator(L, lmax, scale=1): """Scale the eigenvalues from [0, lmax] to [-scale, scale]. """ I = sparse.identity(L.shape[0], format=L.format, dtype=L.dtype) L *= 2 * scale / lmax L -= I return L lmax = estimate_lmax(laplacian) laplacian = scale_operator(laplacian, lmax) laplacian = scipy_csr_to_sparse_tensor(laplacian) return laplacian
[docs]def get_icosahedron_laplacians(nodes, depth, laplacian_type): """Get the icosahedron laplacian list for a certain depth. Args: nodes (int): initial number of nodes. depth (int): the depth of the UNet. laplacian_type ["combinatorial", "normalized"]: the type of the laplacian. Returns: laps (list): increasing list of laplacians. """ laps = [] order = icosahedron_order_calculator(nodes) for _ in range(depth): nodes = icosahedron_nodes_calculator(order) order_initial = icosahedron_order_calculator(nodes) G = SphereIcosahedron(level=int(order_initial)) G.compute_laplacian(laplacian_type) laplacian = prepare_laplacian(G.L) laps.append(laplacian) order -= 1 return laps[::-1]
[docs]def get_healpix_laplacians(nodes, depth, laplacian_type): """Get the healpix laplacian list for a certain depth. Args: nodes (int): initial number of nodes. depth (int): the depth of the UNet. laplacian_type ["combinatorial", "normalized"]: the type of the laplacian. Returns: laps (list): increasing list of laplacians. """ laps = [] for i in range(depth): pixel_num = nodes subdivisions = int(healpix_resolution_calculator(pixel_num)/2**i) G = SphereHealpix(subdivisions, nest=True, k=20) G.compute_laplacian(laplacian_type) laplacian = prepare_laplacian(G.L) laps.append(laplacian) return laps[::-1]
[docs]def get_equiangular_laplacians(nodes, depth, ratio, laplacian_type): """Get the equiangular laplacian list for a certain depth. Args: nodes (int): initial number of nodes. depth (int): the depth of the UNet. laplacian_type ["combinatorial", "normalized"]: the type of the laplacian. Returns: laps (list): increasing list of laplacians """ laps = [] pixel_num = nodes for _ in range(depth): dim1, dim2 = equiangular_dimension_unpack(pixel_num, ratio) bw1 = equiangular_bandwidth(dim1) bw2 = equiangular_bandwidth(dim2) bw = [bw1, bw2] G = SphereEquiangular(bandwidth=bw, sampling="SOFT") G.compute_laplacian(laplacian_type) laplacian = prepare_laplacian(G.L) laps.append(laplacian) return laps[::-1]